Friday, August 12, 2011

♥ Some SA/OTWA Love

 Here is the link to the most recent piece I wrote for Sailing Anarchy. It's about the Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge, where we scored a 2nd Place in our fleet. I wrote a sister piece about the Solomon's Island Invitational - it's further down on this blog, titled "Serenity NOW".

Pool Party - Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge

You know you want to give SA some love - they have given me a lot of support over the past couple of years, and I love writing for them and I especially love sailing in events when the OTWA team is on the water. And there was that one time they gave me the microphone and all hell broke loose, but we don't have to talk about that. Let's just say that I'm hella proud to be OTWA alumna, and I can't wait to see them on the water again.

Here are two of my fave recent On-The-Water-Anarchy productions for you to check out:

2011 Charleston Race Week 

Little AC!!! Newport was off the chain for this event.

By the way, yes I see what time it is on a Friday night. This is not lame at all. I just got back from Philly for the USA vs. Mexico soccer game and I'm still recovering (and I'm a little rejoicing over not being in jail). So let me recover from my hangover by watching my little sailing videos, and I'll stay out of your face. But first here's a picture from the game:

That's my BFF.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

» I'm Ready!

I haven't posted in over a week, and I'm kind of busy right meow, so here is a funny picture.

My crewmates Chris and Jermaine were working hard to pack all of our gear, sails, coolers and whatnot into the truck so we could haul ass down to Chucktown ... and I was upstairs playing dress-up.

Yes, that is my shirt. My friend Jon sent it me when I was in Iraq. It was the best care package I ever got.